where do
we begin?

book a session

getting started with therapy can be overwhelming, here's where our process sTArts.

Your first call with me will be a complimentary fifteen minute consultation. You’ll tell me a little bit about what you’re going through and ask any questions you might have about me and how I can best help you!

Your first two sessions are lots of information gathering and collecting your history, so that we have a foundation to work from together. After that, we’ll start working through it together!

it starts with a consultation

how can i help you?

I accept BCBS PPO and ComPsych. I am in the process of getting credentialed for Aetna, so it's likely that summer 2022 I will be able to accept Aetna--stay tuned!

My rate is $126 per session, after the initial session. Each session is about 50 minutes long. The rate for the initial session is $200.

You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit here.

reach out

book a free call

get started

Ready to start therapy that helps you be more compassionate with yourself?

there's a lot happening in our world these days. you don't have to navigate it all alone.

reach out